Wednesday, March 9, 2016

IF America was Intelligent - The Ideal Choices for the 2016 Presidential Race

IF America was Intelligent - The Ideal Choices for the 2016 Presidential Race

For the Democratic Party, it would be Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as their ticket.

For the Republican Party, it would be John Kasich and Marco Rubio as their ticket.

This would provide the greatest intellectual discussion between August and November this year after their political conventions regarding America's future, IMO.

Obviously left out are Clinton, Cruz and Drumpf. Clinton was a criminal when she was First Lady of Arkansas, Cruz is too right-wing, and Drumpf's best use is as Secretary of Commerce, but his party disgusts most Americans so I would love to see Sanders/Warren for the win. I feel America would be best served if so. If not, Kasich.

Pictured: Drumpf, the 500-lb gorilla in the room.

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